Wednesday, August 18, 2010

That Last Post Looked So Lonely

That last post looked so lonely without pictures! My nice Cannon Rebel has been at the repair shop, long story but its still not fixed, so Ive only had my point and shoot, so the quality of my pictures is a bit less than usual. Anyway, here are some pictures of the kiddos and our new home!

The first two are bonus cute shots of Nathan in crawl position. He hasnt quite figured out the moving forward, but, its coming soon, unfortunately... The third is of my boys with my cousin's daughter Allison. She fits right in with our family doesnt she:) except that she is a girl and we all know my husband's family doesnt make girls. The fourth is of the boys playing in the dining room. The rug is taped out on the floor with blue tape so we could plan where to put the overhead light/fan. The fifth picture is of the boys having a picnic on the floor during lunch time at the house, note the color of the pink walls which will NOT be staying.

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