Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Our House!

We successfully purchased our house on Monday and we are SLOWLY moving ourselves in our new HOME! There is alot to do. The carpets all needed to be replaced in the house. They were original to the house (1978 - brown shag), and with Evan and G's allergies and asthma we thought hardwood was the best option. There is painting of practically every surface of the house, the pink dining room HAD to go for instance (actually its ironic because the dining room of our new home is the exact same pepto bismol color of our third bedroom in our old home, we just cant seem to escape that color). There are tons of other little projects too. We are overwhelmed but extremely excited and thanks to some really generous offers from my family for help (a HUGE thank you to Uncle Ray and Uncle Tom as well as my parents) we are feeling like we are making progress already! We cant wait to host you all in our new home once the work is done! We are thinking a BIG house warming/First Birthday party for Nathan in November!

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