Saturday, August 28, 2010

Happy 9 months!

Nathan is 9 months old! Where has the time gone? Here is a picture of him with his doggy, remember when his doggy was bigger than him? He has come so far! Our "big" boy weighed 18 lbs at his 9 month appointment this week (10th% for his age) and was in the 25th% for height. Nathan conquered crawling this week. We are very proud of him but were hoping he would do this after we moved into the new house where all the choking hazards were properly put away in the big boys playroom. Things are a bit more interesting now around the house with Nathan mobile, I hear alot more "No Nathan" coming from the big boys. Although they do say it kindly. Nathan has 6 teeth now!!!!! He cut four teeth this past week, all uppers. He also is learning the phrase "no bite" now :)
The house is moving forward. Ill take some new pictures after this weekend's work to share. We hit a rather large snag in our plans with regards to the upstairs flooring, some defective wood, which has pushed back our timeline a bit. But, the painting in the whole house should be done this weekend (we also hit a snag with our paint when it was converted from the color swatch to the actual paint for the walls but that has been resolved with minimal time lost). I started unpacking a couple boxes, which is exciting!!!
School starts for Justin this week at his new school. He is excited to be riding the bus, Im petrified. We got a note from his teacher and are going to a new student orientation so he can meet her and see the school before the first day. That should be fun.

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