Saturday, August 28, 2010

No More Pink Walls!!!

Look! No pink walls in the dining room!
The house is coming along well, minus the flooring situation upstairs and down. The living room is picture #1, which is painted a different color than the dining room, more of a darker brown tone than the dining room. We had to install two overheads lights in this room pictured here, thanks to my FIL for them getting hung last weekend. Picture #2 is of Nathan's bedroom curtains! Thanks mom and Aunt Mary for doing the curtains today!!! This room is nearly done now, except for an overhead light which will be put in during the cooler weather of the Fall so the guys dont have to go in the attic in 100+ degree heat to install it. Picture #3 is of the boys with Nana's sewing machine, they are intrigued by it and were glued to my mom the whole time she was sewing. Note the ceiling fan which Garren and my dad installed a couple weeks ago now. None of the rooms in the entire house, save the kitchen had overhead lights. I have this thing with having lighting in a room and prefer not to use lamps because the kids break/pull over lamps so easily.

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