Sunday, August 29, 2010

Crawling Video

Video of Nathan crawling on our floor in our current home today. My mom thinks he looks like a little wind up doll when he crawls.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

No More Pink Walls!!!

Look! No pink walls in the dining room!
The house is coming along well, minus the flooring situation upstairs and down. The living room is picture #1, which is painted a different color than the dining room, more of a darker brown tone than the dining room. We had to install two overheads lights in this room pictured here, thanks to my FIL for them getting hung last weekend. Picture #2 is of Nathan's bedroom curtains! Thanks mom and Aunt Mary for doing the curtains today!!! This room is nearly done now, except for an overhead light which will be put in during the cooler weather of the Fall so the guys dont have to go in the attic in 100+ degree heat to install it. Picture #3 is of the boys with Nana's sewing machine, they are intrigued by it and were glued to my mom the whole time she was sewing. Note the ceiling fan which Garren and my dad installed a couple weeks ago now. None of the rooms in the entire house, save the kitchen had overhead lights. I have this thing with having lighting in a room and prefer not to use lamps because the kids break/pull over lamps so easily.

Happy 9 months!

Nathan is 9 months old! Where has the time gone? Here is a picture of him with his doggy, remember when his doggy was bigger than him? He has come so far! Our "big" boy weighed 18 lbs at his 9 month appointment this week (10th% for his age) and was in the 25th% for height. Nathan conquered crawling this week. We are very proud of him but were hoping he would do this after we moved into the new house where all the choking hazards were properly put away in the big boys playroom. Things are a bit more interesting now around the house with Nathan mobile, I hear alot more "No Nathan" coming from the big boys. Although they do say it kindly. Nathan has 6 teeth now!!!!! He cut four teeth this past week, all uppers. He also is learning the phrase "no bite" now :)
The house is moving forward. Ill take some new pictures after this weekend's work to share. We hit a rather large snag in our plans with regards to the upstairs flooring, some defective wood, which has pushed back our timeline a bit. But, the painting in the whole house should be done this weekend (we also hit a snag with our paint when it was converted from the color swatch to the actual paint for the walls but that has been resolved with minimal time lost). I started unpacking a couple boxes, which is exciting!!!
School starts for Justin this week at his new school. He is excited to be riding the bus, Im petrified. We got a note from his teacher and are going to a new student orientation so he can meet her and see the school before the first day. That should be fun.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The New House Pictures and Other Things

Some pictures of the progress on the house. A picture of the kids enjoying dinner in our dining room. Note the color the room will be some day:) The second picture is one of the boys' bedrooms. All the three bedrooms for the boys are a very light subtle blue color. Its so calming and nice. Very happy with the color choice. You can also see the new flooring we are installing. So nice. The third picture is of our bedroom ( a brownish/beigeish color). Our flooring is yet to be completed. The fourth is another of the boys bedrooms. The last few pictures are of the boys enjoying our fantastic yard outdoors! LOVE the yard. Worth all the hard work!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

That Last Post Looked So Lonely

That last post looked so lonely without pictures! My nice Cannon Rebel has been at the repair shop, long story but its still not fixed, so Ive only had my point and shoot, so the quality of my pictures is a bit less than usual. Anyway, here are some pictures of the kiddos and our new home!

The first two are bonus cute shots of Nathan in crawl position. He hasnt quite figured out the moving forward, but, its coming soon, unfortunately... The third is of my boys with my cousin's daughter Allison. She fits right in with our family doesnt she:) except that she is a girl and we all know my husband's family doesnt make girls. The fourth is of the boys playing in the dining room. The rug is taped out on the floor with blue tape so we could plan where to put the overhead light/fan. The fifth picture is of the boys having a picnic on the floor during lunch time at the house, note the color of the pink walls which will NOT be staying.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Our House!

We successfully purchased our house on Monday and we are SLOWLY moving ourselves in our new HOME! There is alot to do. The carpets all needed to be replaced in the house. They were original to the house (1978 - brown shag), and with Evan and G's allergies and asthma we thought hardwood was the best option. There is painting of practically every surface of the house, the pink dining room HAD to go for instance (actually its ironic because the dining room of our new home is the exact same pepto bismol color of our third bedroom in our old home, we just cant seem to escape that color). There are tons of other little projects too. We are overwhelmed but extremely excited and thanks to some really generous offers from my family for help (a HUGE thank you to Uncle Ray and Uncle Tom as well as my parents) we are feeling like we are making progress already! We cant wait to host you all in our new home once the work is done! We are thinking a BIG house warming/First Birthday party for Nathan in November!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I crack myself up sometimes...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Justin had baseball camp this week. He LOVED it. They learned so many great tips and did some drills to have the kids practice different baseball skills. I hung around today and watched practice and took a couple pictures and videos. The first video is of the kids getting pitching tips. The second is in the batting cage working on their swings. The third is the kids running relays to practice stepping on the plate while running. Justin is in the red #3 shirt. Unfortunately today it was raining so they had to modify practice under the stadium instead of on the field where they practiced when it wasnt raining.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

That Was Then

Some new comparison photos for your viewing enjoyment. Justin in August 2004. Same age as Nathan.
Justin had four teeth at this age, Nathan just has his two little bottoms poking out. Justin was crawling and pulling himself up on things and cruising at this age. Nathan is not doing any of those things. Although, I am anti-encouraging crawling until we get into our new home which will be baby proofed. As apposed to a death trap in our current home with all the small pieces and danger lurking.
I think they are starting to look a little different now. What do you think?
PS- In the first photo thats Justin with our poor cat Confetti cornered behind the couch being tortured by him. It was game over for her the moment he started crawling and terrorizing her. Poor girl.


A few cute pictures of Nathan while eating. The first shows his little double chin he is getting and those beautiful blue eyes of his! My Nana says they are the same color as her father's eyes (Nathan's great great grandfather). And finally a video of Nathan eating, probably a bit boring for everyone but our most adoring fans:) but it shows off how well he opens his little mouth for food and drinks out of a glass. You can leave the volume off since its just my running commentary.