Sunday, May 27, 2012

Things I Love

The warm weather just makes everything so much happier.  Seeing the kids skinny little arms and legs spouting out of their clothes, the smell of suntan lotion on their skin, their hair getting progressively lighter.  The fact that it stays light so much later in the night that I forget about bedtime and only realize when sleepy eyes are being rubbed.  The garden - digging in the dirt, growing food, appreciating nature. Then there are all the fun activities associated with the warm weather, made all the more fun this year with the installation of our pool. Swimming. Baseball. Water balloon fights.  Bike rides.  Outdoor play.  Trips to the park.  End of the school year events.  

Ive been busy enjoying all that this time of year has offered us.  Sometimes with my camera, here are those shots:

Evan all dressed up for the Q+U wedding.  He looked quite handsome and was very excited, as you can see.

 In the pool:

 In the garden:  This is my friend the toad who visits me while I garden quite frequently.

The chives have blossomed and are beautiful.
 The garden.
 Nathan and Evan hanging out together:
 Evan playing baseball:

Nathan and his water balloon:
 A BBQ with great friends:

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