Saturday, May 5, 2012

Evan's Camera Downloads

The older boys got real digital cameras for Christmas from my parents for Christmas a couple years ago. They have proven to be one of the most used presents to date.  The boys tote them around everywhere, snapping away.  Its a great entertainer on long car rides.  They have contests to see who can snap the funniest driver.  The current winner of this contest is Evan who snapped what he dubs as, "the grandma driver", a little old lady all hunched over and low down in her car driving.  [Dear "grandma", Im sorry that your picture is fodder for our children and family.  I will not post it on my blog to further humiliate you.]  Its hilarious to review the pictures once they have been uploaded to the camera.  The boys eye view is often quite different from how I remember an event or day.

Tonight I uploaded hundreds of pictures and videos from Evan's camera, and weeded out the best of the bunch for your viewing pleasure.  There is a theme in the pictures Evan takes lately, lets see if you can figure it out....

Is that not one of the most entertaining things you have viewed in awhile?  Come one, how can you NOT laugh seeing these!!!  Evan, man, he is such a comedian.  Love that kid.

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