Friday, May 4, 2012

A Rainy Week

Its been a raw week, cold and rainy.  We spent most our time playing indoors in our pjs while soups simmered in the crock pot and filled the house with delicious smells.  I really enjoy forced down time that accompanies rainy weeks because I can concentrate on house cleaning and projects that get overlooked when we are outside in our beautiful yard soaking in the sun. 

This week one of my projects was managing Nathan's wardrobe.  As is always the case, Nathan woke up one morning and none of his clothes fit him anymore.  His sleepers were too tight, his pants too high.  His shirts needed to be crammed over his noggin'.  Changing over the wardrobe is a mixture of sadness and happiness for me.  Packing up all the favorite clothes that are too small, knowing they will never be worn by another one of my children, makes me really sad. The Lightning McQueen pjs that Nathan's grandma and grandpa bought him that he has nearly worn out.  The t-shirts that all three of my boys wore at one point or another.  The little toddler socks, I have a serious thing for cute baby socks.  We pass on all our clothes to goodwill or friends, but, I do keep a few favorites stored away for someday, if Im lucky enough to have grandchildren to share these treasures with.  Changing of clothes sizes means Nathan is growing, which is overall a very good thing. There was a time, not so long ago, when we all watched and wondered, holding our breath, 'will he grow?"  And a change in size means dragging out the next bin of clothes, all hand me downs from the older boys, and re-living all those memories associated with the new set of clothes.

This week Ive been busy scrapbooking.  I spent a couple days last week cleaning my craft room and now Im setup and ready to go.  Check out my scrapbook blog CLICK HERE for new additions (finally after 4 months of inactivity).

Nathan got invited to his first birthday party this week (other than family parties).  He was so excited to go.  The morning of the party he kept asking, "I go to my party now?"  As we walked up the driveway to Rhys' house, there were balloons on the mailbox and Nathan exclaimed, "He has balloons for a happy birthday".  It was really cute. I have to make a mental note that Nathan needs to have balloons tied to his mailbox for a happy birthday for his next birthday.  Nathan had a blast helping his friend Rhys celebrate.  Here is a couple cute pictures from the party.  He looks so little sitting there celebrating with his friends, but, he totally understood and was all involved with the celebration.  Especially the food part.  My baby is growing up, sob. 

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