Sunday, May 27, 2012

Things I Love

The warm weather just makes everything so much happier.  Seeing the kids skinny little arms and legs spouting out of their clothes, the smell of suntan lotion on their skin, their hair getting progressively lighter.  The fact that it stays light so much later in the night that I forget about bedtime and only realize when sleepy eyes are being rubbed.  The garden - digging in the dirt, growing food, appreciating nature. Then there are all the fun activities associated with the warm weather, made all the more fun this year with the installation of our pool. Swimming. Baseball. Water balloon fights.  Bike rides.  Outdoor play.  Trips to the park.  End of the school year events.  

Ive been busy enjoying all that this time of year has offered us.  Sometimes with my camera, here are those shots:

Evan all dressed up for the Q+U wedding.  He looked quite handsome and was very excited, as you can see.

 In the pool:

 In the garden:  This is my friend the toad who visits me while I garden quite frequently.

The chives have blossomed and are beautiful.
 The garden.
 Nathan and Evan hanging out together:
 Evan playing baseball:

Nathan and his water balloon:
 A BBQ with great friends:

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Things We Do

I've been too busy for serious blogging.  A couple weeks ago, this was the scene outside our door, as the pool installers prepared to break ground for our pool.  
 It was a rainy cold day but the younger boys enjoyed snuggling with their blankets in the entry room and watching the work.
 It was quite exciting.
 We have been spending alot of time with playdough lately.  Both Evan and Nathan enjoy this activity.  Nathan can play for nearly an hour with the playdough before tiring of it.  Its a great activity to occupy the kids while I do things around the house.

Nathan especially enjoys feeding cookie monster playdough and then watching him "poop it out" his back.  He is such a boy.
 We have been also spending alot of time outdoors in the gardens, doing work, getting ready for a summer full of vegetables grown by our own two hands.  I did a major transplanting project over a weekend, which involved moving dozens of lilly plants from the middle of the yard where they were randomly growing, to the side garden near our fence.
 The boys "helping" in the garden.  Nathan especially loves to be in the garden with me.  One day he used his dump truck to move dirt around for the entire time I was working in there.  He is a good companion.
 The garden was fenced in this year, to keep some of our critter friends out, hopefully.  We also took the opportunity to fence in my children, temporarily at lest :)
 The completed garden, fenced in and ready for the vegetable seedlings.  This year, with the aide of my parent's green house also everything in our garden was started from seed.  The only thing that didnt do well were the pepper seedlings.
 After playing in the dirt, a good long soak in the tub is an order.
 G snapped this cute picture of Evan in bed with his headlamp on.  This is impossibly cute.

Nathan loves army men these days.  He runs them over with the tanks and makes shooting noises with the guys with guns.  I love his emerging imagination.

 I am Secretary elect for this coming year for our town's family program.  Im pretty honored to be a part of such a great organization that helps the town so much.  We held a pot luck dinner for the families and a magic show which was lots of fun!  All three of the boys really enjoyed the program.

 Nathan knows the difference between his three monkeys now.  He calls them, "monkey", "soft monkey" and "new monkey".  He likes waking up and snuggling with all of them after his naps.
 We have been making frequent trips to the park down the street from our house.  Nathan is getting more and more daring on all the playground equipment.
 We have been practically living on the baseball fields with Justin and Evan.  Here is a nice picture of Evan swinging.
 Evan running the bases.

Go Evan!

A picture of the pool completed!  
 Evan was the first of the kids to swim, while Justin was at baseball practice.  The water was 73 F.
 As soon as Justin got home from practice he jumped right in the pool, clothes and all!
Everyone was SO HAPPY to be swimming in our very own pool.  How wonderful!!!!

 Warming up after a swim in the back yard.
 Evan had his very first project for school - an ocean diorama!  He was quite proud of his creation.  He colored and cut the entire thing all by himself!!!
His kindergarten class also is celebrating a marriage between Q and U.  We volunteered to bring the wedding cake.  My mom graciously lent her cake making expertise to pull this off: