Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Week/Weekend

Its seed planting time (6-8 weeks before the last frost). This year we have a HUGE garden spot, I would estimate conservatively its 30 ft by 30ft, already cleared and ready for planting! We are going to utilize a small fraction of that this year and plant tomatoes, two varieties, canteloupe (Justin's pick), zucchini, peppers, squash, pumpkins and carrots. Justin and Evan helped me start some of the seeds today. The boys were entertained with bubbles and their Nana this afternoon.
Huge smiles, thats what I love to see from my kids outdoors!!!
Nathan playing baseball in the yard. He watched Evan set up the ball on the tee and hit it, and then when Evan abandoned the play, he came over and did the same! I was impressed he could set the ball on the tee. He spent at least 20 minutes setting the ball and hitting it off. He was very proud of himself.
All three of the boys checking out the cement in the hole of the support pole to the swingset. Check out the height on that swingset - 10 feet! Many, many years of play for all the boys at that height.
The best part of the whole process was the cement, hands down. Justin helped his daddy and Pa add water while they mixed the cement. All 17 bags of it!!!
Nathan and Evan having a picnic lunch outdoors this afternoon. This is the life!

We sold our house!!!!!!!!!!!! Signed, sealed and delivered. We are very relieved to put those 7 months behind us. A teeny-tiny part of me wanted one more snow storm though, just so we could say we didnt have to shovel the WHOLE winter times two houses. :)

What a wonderful weekend, the weight of the other house not bearing down on us, the wonderful weather. Just simply magnificent. We spent the weekend doing yardwork. Which we did with a huge smile on our faces, because we have a yard to do yardwork in! The boys spent every minute of the entire weekend outdoors! They played in the sandbox, dug in the yard, raked with us, played field hockey, soccer, baseball, climbed trees, played with bubbles and had a picnic - you name it they did it!!!

On Sunday G and my dad worked on putting up the swingset! Thank you so much mom and dad for you help - we could not have done it without you. The swingset is fabulous! We have never owned a swingset before because we never had the space so we are especially excited about this one. Its HUGE. It took 17 bags of cement and counting-since its not completed yet. The boys cannot wait to try it out, and me too!

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