Saturday, April 30, 2011

School Vacation Week Catch Up

This past week was Spring vacation for the big boys. What a fun and busy week we had!

Justin attended a local minor league ballpark baseball clinic Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 8am to 12pm. I wish I could say that I had some pictures to share, but, being at the ballpark with Nathan proved to be anything but relaxing or delightful. Therefore, we couldnt stay to watch and take pictures of Justin at camp. He did have alot of fun and said he learned alot from the camp. Its run really well and the kids get to learn from actual players on the team and from the coaches who train those players. The last day of the camp they had an autograph session and Justin was thrilled to get 7 autographs from the players he had worked with during the week. I did stay for the autograph signing (with Nathan strapped in a stroller crying the whole time) and the players were so nice and friendly to the kids. Really a great experience for him.

On Monday the boys had a playdate with their cousin Andrew which was a ton of fun. And on Monday night Justin had his last gymnastics session until next Fall. With baseball starting up and practice and games three nights a week, something had to give and Justin chose baseball over gymnastics for the Spring.

On Tuesday Evan had occupational therapy and Nathan and I had a quick visit to see Nana and Aunt Mary. Tuesday after baseball camp Justin got to visit my mom at her school and meet her class! Nearly all the kids are his age now. I remember back when Justin was 2 or 3 bringing him in the school to see my mom and all her second graders seemed so grown up compared to him. Now he is nearly one of them! GULP. After that, my mom and I dragged all three of the boys to a local shoe store and got sneakers and sandals for all. Three sizes, many different opinions, and finally some decisions later, we left ready for Spring/Summer for all the boys!

Wednesday after we did the autograph session at the baseball camp all the kids and I headed over to swim lessons for Evan. Afterwards to celebrate Evan's success under water swimming we picked him and Justin up some nice pairs of goggles for the summer! The boys are getting so excited for swimming and the beach! Thankfully the weather is warming up too, which helps believe that summer might actually get here eventually!

Thursday morning Evan had his last gymnastics class until the Fall. We are sad to leave gymnastics class, Evan has been making such great gains. However, with occupational therapy, physical therapy, swim therapy and TWO prechools, there just is no time for everything. Thursday we got new living room furniture! A new sofa and love seat. We also had an all afternoon playdate from some long-time friends in town. Thursday night Justin had baseball practice.

Friday morning Justin had a playdate with a friend from school. And Nathan had a playdate with his little baby friend Kai. Five boys in the house!!! It was quite loud but fun! In the evening Justin had a parade in town to kick off baseball season. He was so excited to participate in the parade with all his teammates and friends on other teams. It was a great community event. After the parade we brought the boys to see some antique cars that were in town. Nathan was riveted, his favorite thing right now are cars which he calls "go-gos".

Today was Justin's first baseball game of the season. He did really well. Its very cute watching him as part of a team, cheering on his teammates and really getting excited to be part of the game. Also today G got his riding lawn mower delivered! All the boys took turns riding on it with daddy and Justin even got to steer for G. I kept thinking, flash forward 8 years to Justin learning to drive a car! We did quite a bit of yard work today outdoors too. The yard is really coming along nicely.

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