Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Boys

My boys. They really dont like getting their picture taken, which is unfortunate since I love taking pictures. At least they are cute :) I have a few minutes of semi-quiet to update whats going on in our lives. Evan. Evan's been a pretty busy kid as of late! Evan started a new preschool, an integrated program in our town, in the afternoons three days a week. He is receiving OT services through the preschool program. His first day was today and he seemed to transition very well to the new school setting and new friends. We are absolutely thrilled to get him into this program and serviced through the school and are eager to see how he does for the remainder of the year. We decided to keep him in his mornings private preschool program as well, because he loves it there so much and has bonded so well with the teachers and children, it just doesnt seem right pulling him this late in the year. Two schools means LOTS of school time, and a very tired boy at the end of the day. Evan also started private swim therapy this week. Its alot of work for him, but, he is having fun too! Justin. Justin has been Mr. Popular lately, three birthday parties in two weekends. We are so happy that he has made some good friends in our new town. Justin's baseball season has begun. Justin had indoor practice this past weekend and another this coming weekend and then hopefully the fields will be ready for outdoor practices and games! Justin is on the Cardinals team this year. The start of baseball means the end of gymnastics (actually both the boys are finishing up gymnastics as of the end of April to make way for their outdoor spring sports). Justin loves gymnastics so much that Im sure we will be back at it in the Fall though! Nathan. As Im typing this Nathan has turned on the television using the remote by himself. The kid is quite impressive. He is a little chatter box. He has so many words now and understands even more than he can say, following one and two step commands (one of our favorites is to tell him to go find his binky when he is getting whiney or tired, which leads to cute head turning and peeking around the room to find one). Nathan is quite a monkey and now can climb up on most chairs, tables, the sofa, etc. This has added a whole new dimension to the baby proofing in our home. The other day I heard Evan yelling for me to come quick while Nathan was standing up on top of the dining room table! Nathan had his second haircut this past week. Im sorry to say his hair hasnt gotten much thicker, but, it sure does grow fast! He might be our only boy without thick hair, which would mean a chance at a real styled haircut instead of his brothers standard shaves :)

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