Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Week/Weekend

Nathan tries to climb/ride anything he can these days. He took over his brother's Rescue Heroes truch to ride around on this week. Nathan with his cousin Allison at my Aunt's house, having a tea party while being babysat this week.

Nathan very excited to be able to walk around outside and play and explore.
The big boys enjoying popcorn and the trains at the train show.

G was on another business trip at the beginning of the week. Evan got to celebrate his birthday with cupcakes at school and I was able to come in to help him celebrate (thanks to Auntie and Uncle for babysitting Nathan for me). There was gymnastics class for both boys, three playdates with friends, a St Patrick's Day party, the start of my second crochet class, a train show, and best of all the weather warmed up for plenty of outdoor fun!!!
As always, you can follow my daily photograph blog for more pictures of our week!

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