Friday, March 11, 2011

Catch Up

Evan with his fabulous Mario cake.Evan blowing out his birthday candles.
The boys at Coco Keys water park.

Justin at the water park. Justin under the water.

Evan on the slide.

Evan with his new puppy and school puppy.

Our gymnast Justin walking on his hands. The kid has talent!!!

Justin creating army men and an army scene. Justin got this book on army uniforms out of the library and immediately wanted to create army scenes using the pictures as guides. Such a boy thing. He spent over an hour on his little creation after school!

Nathan lookin' cute, double fistin' his sippy cups, practicing for college.

Wow. Its been awhile. Things have been extremely busy and stressful in our household. Im pausing to catch my breath and put together this update for everyone.

Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes for Evan. He had a very special and FUN fifth birthday. Our wonderful newly five year old spent his birthday with myself, G and Justin at an indoor water park! Evan told me at one point, beaming, "this is the best day EVER". Im so happy I could give my amazing boy such a fabulous day. Special thanks to Nana and Pa for babysitting Nathan so we could enjoy the day without worrying about naps, diapers, etc. After the water park we enjoyed presents and cake at my parent's house. Evan was more than impressed with his Mario birthday cake made by my mom this year, she outdid herself again this year!

This week our car was in the shop being repaired from an accident that I had a few weeks back during bad weather. We had a rental van, which was exciting/confusing/annoying depending on who you ask in our family. There was alot of car seat and car shuffling going on. But Im happy to report that we have our van back and its as good as new!

This week G was traveling which was utterly exhausting for him and myself. We lost our power one of the days he was gone which was a crash course in the finer points of the electrical supply of our house for me! Missed flights and delays made coming home quite the adventure for G at the end of a long week.

This week I met up with my old high school friend Erica. Erica and I live nearly identical lives with her three boys and mine being all within a year of eachother! We went to a local indoor playspace with all our hooligans and let them run wild while we caught up. It was so nice to see her! We also had a visit with my Nana at my aunt's house, Evan and Nathan got to spend some time with Great Nana and Great Aunt Mary. Nathan got to get his grubby paws on my aunt's dog Duffy after being cleared for his dog allergy. Nathan LOVES dogs. He kept pointing at Duffy and saying "woof woof".

Nathan has a couple new words. "Okay" is one of his favorites now, every time you offer him something he really likes he responsds with a happy "okay". "Done" has been added to his hand gesture for all done. "Get it" and "I want" are two new phrases he uses alot now too! Nathan loves playing with Hot Wheels cars and balls. He can play for hours with just those two toys all day long. Its very cute to watch him play by himself, he is learning to pretend and imagine, I think he will be imaginitive like Evan!
Tonight was my last crochet class - I am in the process of piecing together all my squares of different stitches I learned to make a blanket to be donated to the shelter in our area. Ill post pictures when it is all completed. The class was fabulous, I learned so much - Im continuing on with the "advanced" class this coming semester!

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