Thursday, July 15, 2010

We Are Back

We didnt forget about our faithful followers! We were just too busy having fun at the beach to blog much! Never fear though, we have LOTS of pictures of our fun to share. Being the shutterbug I am, Ive taken over 6 GB of photographs! Now to just load them onto my computer, sort them, edit and post. I should be done in time for vacation next year:) In the meantime, here are some that Ive loaded and liked at quick glance!

G and I had such a WONDERFUL vacation on Martha's Vineyard this year with my mom and dad and the boys. The older boys were fish in the water this year, even Justin who has been slow to warm up to the water was going under the water, riding the waves, swimming and having a blast by the end of the trip! Nathan adores the beach, he was so excited about the water and sand. He spent many days sitting on the edge of the shore while the waves crashed in on his feet and legs, kicking excitedly and squealing in delight. He is a born beach bum! It was beautiful weather while we were on the island, sunny and warm, perfect for spending our days at the beach.

The highlights of the trip include the boys getting time to spend with their cousin who will be 5 in August, Andrew. They both got along so well with him and did alot of playing and swimming together. Also fishing. Justin caught NINE fish in one night on the beach fishing. Evan caught a baby shark!!! Yes, you read that right, he reeled in a one foot long baby black tipped shark! Its a first! There were just too many wonderful times to record. Ill post lots of pictures and a couple videos!

We are so sad to have to leave. The boys were begging to stay longer this year, and I couldnt agree more!

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