Tuesday, July 27, 2010

More on the House and Other Things

We have an official move in date on the house - so excited its right around the corner. Tonight we went back to do some measurements of rooms for furniture, flooring, window treatments. We had a picnic dinner on the giant lawn of our new home. It was so wonderful. The kids played basketball in the driveway and ball in the yard. I am so happy, I think we are going to LOVE life in our new place. But, there is SO much to do in the house. Flooring, painting, minor repairs. We have been busy on our current home end packing box after box. I think we have 30 or more packed already. You never realize how much you accumulate in a home until you are forced to pull it all out! Its been nearly ten years in our current home, thats alot of time to accumulate alot of stuff. Im sorting everything and getting rid of alot.

Justin has been in camp this week, a nature camp. He has been on lots of hikes and exploring the wilderness in our area. He told me yesterday when asked what he learned from camp that day, "that nature is really cool". Awww. I love that, worth every penny!

I have some random pictures to post of the kiddos. Nathan with my Nana. She is staying with my mom for the week so the kids have all gotten to spend some time with her and entertain her. Nathan is getting so much better at feeding himself foods. I got some great pictures and videos of him eating Cheerios the other night. He LOVES to eat food. He eats ALOT, its amazing. Nathan turned 8 months old so I got his monthly picture with his doggy and then of course Evan wanted to be in the picture too. Those two love eachother so much. A really cute picture of Nathan in a Minnesotta Vikings helmet, a little plastic thing that just fits his little head. So funny! Maybe the next [insert famous Vikings player here], clearly I dont follow football at all:)

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