Friday, July 23, 2010

Blog Slacking

We have had a busy few weeks around here since we got back from vacation. First there was the unpacking, the settling back into a routine, then there was the house buying. Yes, thats right. HOUSE BUYING. We finally found a house! We put an offer in and it was accepted and we just had the inspection which was fine, so we are officially on the way to purchasing a new home in the next couple weeks! SO EXCITING. If you want more details, please email us. I dont want to put too much information on the Internet in such a public way.

We will be extremely busy packing up our current home, and getting our new one ready. We are doing all new flooring and painting practically every surface of the home before we move in. If you would like to help us, please let me know and we will put you to work, we could use every bit of help we can get. Moving with three children, one only 8 months old, is no small task!!!

Im posting a couple new pictures of our baby boy! He is getting so big so fast. I also uploaded a video that is quite sweet, shows him talking and splashing in the tub. I particularly love the last two seconds where he takes a digger into the water. I cant edit it out, so you get to see his big splash. He didnt get hurt or even cry, rest assured:)

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