Friday, July 30, 2010


A sweet video of Nathan and Evan playing ball together. I love those two boys and how well they play together.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

More on the House and Other Things

We have an official move in date on the house - so excited its right around the corner. Tonight we went back to do some measurements of rooms for furniture, flooring, window treatments. We had a picnic dinner on the giant lawn of our new home. It was so wonderful. The kids played basketball in the driveway and ball in the yard. I am so happy, I think we are going to LOVE life in our new place. But, there is SO much to do in the house. Flooring, painting, minor repairs. We have been busy on our current home end packing box after box. I think we have 30 or more packed already. You never realize how much you accumulate in a home until you are forced to pull it all out! Its been nearly ten years in our current home, thats alot of time to accumulate alot of stuff. Im sorting everything and getting rid of alot.

Justin has been in camp this week, a nature camp. He has been on lots of hikes and exploring the wilderness in our area. He told me yesterday when asked what he learned from camp that day, "that nature is really cool". Awww. I love that, worth every penny!

I have some random pictures to post of the kiddos. Nathan with my Nana. She is staying with my mom for the week so the kids have all gotten to spend some time with her and entertain her. Nathan is getting so much better at feeding himself foods. I got some great pictures and videos of him eating Cheerios the other night. He LOVES to eat food. He eats ALOT, its amazing. Nathan turned 8 months old so I got his monthly picture with his doggy and then of course Evan wanted to be in the picture too. Those two love eachother so much. A really cute picture of Nathan in a Minnesotta Vikings helmet, a little plastic thing that just fits his little head. So funny! Maybe the next [insert famous Vikings player here], clearly I dont follow football at all:)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Blog Slacking

We have had a busy few weeks around here since we got back from vacation. First there was the unpacking, the settling back into a routine, then there was the house buying. Yes, thats right. HOUSE BUYING. We finally found a house! We put an offer in and it was accepted and we just had the inspection which was fine, so we are officially on the way to purchasing a new home in the next couple weeks! SO EXCITING. If you want more details, please email us. I dont want to put too much information on the Internet in such a public way.

We will be extremely busy packing up our current home, and getting our new one ready. We are doing all new flooring and painting practically every surface of the home before we move in. If you would like to help us, please let me know and we will put you to work, we could use every bit of help we can get. Moving with three children, one only 8 months old, is no small task!!!

Im posting a couple new pictures of our baby boy! He is getting so big so fast. I also uploaded a video that is quite sweet, shows him talking and splashing in the tub. I particularly love the last two seconds where he takes a digger into the water. I cant edit it out, so you get to see his big splash. He didnt get hurt or even cry, rest assured:)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Some videos of our trip

Just a couple clips from our vacation. I particularly love the video of Baby Nathan kicking and squealing watching the umbrellas flap in the beach breeze. This boy loves everything about the beach.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

We Are Back

We didnt forget about our faithful followers! We were just too busy having fun at the beach to blog much! Never fear though, we have LOTS of pictures of our fun to share. Being the shutterbug I am, Ive taken over 6 GB of photographs! Now to just load them onto my computer, sort them, edit and post. I should be done in time for vacation next year:) In the meantime, here are some that Ive loaded and liked at quick glance!

G and I had such a WONDERFUL vacation on Martha's Vineyard this year with my mom and dad and the boys. The older boys were fish in the water this year, even Justin who has been slow to warm up to the water was going under the water, riding the waves, swimming and having a blast by the end of the trip! Nathan adores the beach, he was so excited about the water and sand. He spent many days sitting on the edge of the shore while the waves crashed in on his feet and legs, kicking excitedly and squealing in delight. He is a born beach bum! It was beautiful weather while we were on the island, sunny and warm, perfect for spending our days at the beach.

The highlights of the trip include the boys getting time to spend with their cousin who will be 5 in August, Andrew. They both got along so well with him and did alot of playing and swimming together. Also fishing. Justin caught NINE fish in one night on the beach fishing. Evan caught a baby shark!!! Yes, you read that right, he reeled in a one foot long baby black tipped shark! Its a first! There were just too many wonderful times to record. Ill post lots of pictures and a couple videos!

We are so sad to have to leave. The boys were begging to stay longer this year, and I couldnt agree more!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010