Sunday, January 31, 2010

Quick Update

A quick update. Its been bitterly cold the past week, keeping us indoors except for trips to school for the most part. Although we did enjoy dinner at my parents' house on Saturday night. The boys have been enjoying the down time indoors. They play so well together, they really are eachother's best friend. I snapped the first picture of the boys playing a game of Yugi-Oh together this weekend, while Nathan looked on. He adores listening and watching his brothers play.
Do you like his tye-dyed outfit? Since he is fitting into his 0-3 month clothing now, his wardrobe has opened up! My mom purchased this outfit for him from the Vineyard last summer while I was still pregnant with him. He is an official "Vineyarder" and this summer he will get to enjoy the beach for the first time, until then we can dream of the warmer weather and sun and sand:)
Nathan is now 8lbs 12 oz. So close to 9lbs! He is getting chubby little thighs and a bit of a double chin! But, he still seems so small to us, for a 2 month old. I posted a picture of his daddy holding him, to give you some perspective on his size.

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