Monday, January 25, 2010

Two Months!

Nathan's two month picture with his doggy.
The Vikings littlest fan...too bad he fell asleep during the game, or maybe good thing he didnt experience the heartbreak that was last night's game.

How could Nathan possibly already be two months old? Time sure is flying by. Today I took Nathan for his two month exam with his pediatrician. He is doing really well. He outgrew the preemie growth chart - yahoo!!! He is 8lbs, 6.4 oz which is the 3rd % for his age, or 25th % for his corrected age when taking into account he was born 4+ weeks early. He is 21 3/4 inches long, 10%. His head circumference was HUGE, which is to be expected for my children by now:) He got two vaccines, we are choosing a delayed vaccination schedule with Nathan, typically at this visit he would get a combination of 6 vaccinations. I had the opportunity to meet and talk with my lactation consultant while we were there and she was so happy with his progress and we talked a bit about nursing. She offered me the opportunity to donate some of my excess supply of breast milk to a local milk bank, so we are going to set that up in the coming couple months, once Nathan gets to 11lbs. I think it will be a wonderful opportunity for me to do something good for babies in our area.

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