Thursday, February 4, 2010


Some great news all around this week.

Nathan continues to make excellent gains - he now weighs 9 lbs!!!! His thighs continue to fill out and his cheeks are getting pinchable. He also is smiling ALOT. Especially at his daddy, who is the funny one, whereas mom is the feeder;) He is losing some of his baby hair, the more "reddish" long hair on the top of his head is falling out and being rubbed off the back of his head. Its being replaced with WHITE hair, even lighter than Justin's color!

Justin brought home his report card today. He did FABULOUS on it! He is excelling in his academics as well as behavioral and social areas of school. We are very, very proud of him. This has been such a wonderful school year for him. His class has been the best thing that has ever happened to him and our family.
Evan started gymnastics class at a place near our house. He is in the class with one of his friends, Drew, the son of one of my girlfriends. He LOVES the class and its a great way for him to work on some gross motor skills!
Im posting a couple new pictures of Nathan. He is quite the expressive little baby, I just love the faces he makes!

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