Saturday, November 17, 2012

Fairy Tales

This week wrapped up a 9 month journey of mine through yoga and self exploration.  I was lucky enough to take part in this fabulous yoga program at a local yoga studio, with 8 other wonderful women.  We explored our lives and balance.  I cannot put into words how meaningful the program was for me.  Last night we celebrated our inner goddess as the culmination of our work.  As part of our work through out the year we developed a fairy tale telling some of our story.  I wanted to share my fairy tale with you, because it is so important to me and my life and the work I have done over the last year.  I hope that you enjoy it.

Once upon a time there was a girl who lived a charmed life, with her prince, her soul mate.  The two lived in a beautiful home built with love, compromise and kindness.  And because her life was so wonderful, the girl longed for children to share it with.  She began to wish on all the stars in the sky to fill her heart and home with children. 

As it happened, a son was born to her.  A beautiful baby boy, happy and giggling and perfect.  The girl's heart swelled with love and pride. 

And because she was truly blessed, the girl discovered she would have another child.  A second son was born to her.  But this time her heart was filled with fear and sadness. 

"I am your son", he said, "why are you so sad?"  But, the girl could not respond. 

"Did you want someone else?" he asked.

"No" the girl wept.  "But, I am afraid.  What if I am not strong enough, determined enough, dedicated enough to give you what you need?" 

"Nonsense" laughed the child.  "You are kind and filled with love.  You have all that I need".

But the girl did not believe her son, because he was just a child, and how do children know of such things.

 "Then I will show you" the child said, his big brown eyes full of hope.

But the girl still did not believe her son.  She lived in fear and worry.  She wished on all the stars for a fairy godmother to appear and save the day.  Save her.  Save her son.

No fairy godmother came.  And the girl began to not believe in fairy tales. 

The years tumbled on.  She watched her son grow and the challenges grow right along with him.  She saw him silently fight against his disability.  She got lost in a world of medical jargon and interventions. 

And then, as if by magic, one day she caught sight of her son's sweet determined smile while he worked.  She watched his enduring patience and strength.  She felt his incredible inner spirit of love and peace and calm.  And those big brown eyes that promised her years ago she was enough.

And she began to see.  And she began to learn.  And she began to believe.

She discovered in him where once she saw only disability, incredible ability.  A sensitivity and compassion for others had grown in both of them.    

The girl learned to celebrate all the victories in his life.  And in hers.  No matter how small, or seemingly insignificant.   

She saw the power of dreaming big and believing in yourself.

She learned the joy of accomplishment that comes from hard work, sweat and sometimes tears.

She saw the power of love.

And she began to believe (again) in happily ever after. 

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