Thursday, November 1, 2012


Hello out there in Internet land!!!  Well, its been a crazy few days here.  First and foremost, we consider ourselves so very fortunate to have come through the hurricane with very minor damage to our town and our home.  Aside from a few days with no power, and a few fallen branches, and a whole lot of laundry, we are fine!!!

Here is the low-down on our last week:

Wait, doesnt everyone have a Mario hanging around their living room????

Evan and his cousin Andrew went to a town Halloween event dressed up.  Andrew was a spy and Evan was of course his favorite character, Mario.  Justin was sick this night and stayed home with Nathan and I.  You KNOW Justin is sick when he opts for missing out on candy!!!

My friend Amy throws the best parties around.  This is our third year attending her fabulous Halloween extravaganza.  

What I love most about Nathan being a third child is how easy he plays with children of all ages.  He didnt even hesitate to hop right on with these two older girls on the tire swing.

 More swinging.
 Even more swinging.
 The kids did a big trick or treat in Amy's yard.  It was so cute to see them all dressed up with their treat bags they decorated.
 Nathan digging into his treat bag.
 Nathan found his long lost twin brother red dragon at the party.  So cute!!!
 The two dragons rode the tractor ride around the yard.  I love how their wings hung out the back of the tractor!!

Some last final news.  Say hello to our new baby girl.  She is yet to be named.  But, she sure is cute.  And the best behaved cat Ive met.  She loves the boys and lets them man-handle her without objection.  

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