Friday, August 19, 2011


As with all my videos I caution you to listen with the volume turned low, because, well, if you know my life, you know its quite loud.

Nathan cant quite pump..yet...but he sure does manage to have fun on the swings like his big brothers. Im amazed by his agility at such a young age.

I've been to Chuck E Cheese about two times too many this summer (let the record show, Ive only been twice). I loathe Chuck E Cheese for its crummy pizza, noise level and general chaos that three of my own boys + five hundred strangers' children create. But, my boys do love it there. This was Nathan's first visit. I kept him strapped in to the stroller and occupied with food for alot of this visit (for a friend's son's birthday) but towards the end I caved and BOY DID HE LOVE IT. Here are some videos of him on the rides. Could his smile get any bigger???

Evan and Caleb were having a blast at the beach with the volley ball net. They played frisbee over it, they were very unsuccessful at it, then they played football over it, and were a bit more successful. Finally they used an actual ball and had a ton of fun! Those two love to play together and were so active during our visit, creating all sorts of games and contest with eachother. It was so fun to watch them together.

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