Monday, August 15, 2011

Vacation with Family

The boys really liked the hotel room. We really got our money's worth out of the free hot breakfast in the mornings. I have never seen Justin and Evan eat so much food. There was an indoor pool too, we were too busy with family for alot of swimming but while G packed the car to leave the boys and I squeezed in some pool fun.
A giant game of baseball in the backyard.The lake is perfect for Nathan, very shallow for many yards out, so he could run around in the water!

Nathan was rocked to Auntie Lori, who has the "touch". He napped for nearly 2 hours like this on the beach.
Evan playing football at the beach.
Evan and Caleb racing in the water.
Nathan enjoying a swim.

We spent the long weekend with G's entire family in Vermont - all four brothers and their kids together with G's parents. What fun! We spent a beautiful day at the lake, the weather was absolutely perfect and the kids all had so much fun together. What a great time!!! We left wishing that we all lived closer to make these get togethers more frequent!

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