Monday, January 17, 2011

This One Is For You Mom - Catch Up

Nathan's new haircut.
Evan baking cookies with me.

Evan and Nathan at play together with some action figures. Nathan, happy boy.

Silly Evan.

Nathan and Evan having a blast together.

Nathan discovered a love for apples. He prefers them whole! He can eat an entire apple as a snack! He has an amazing appetite.

The view of the backyard after a big snow storm last week. The view out of our front driveway after the storm and the plow!

The boys have been really into board games lately. Monsters Inc Life is one of our current favorites.

Upon the request of my mom, Im going to update our regular blog, but, keep checking our 365 project for daily pictures!!

The kids have barely been in school the past two weeks. Evan had school Monday and has been out since then due to snow days and teacher workshops and MLK holiday. Justin only had three days of school last week. Its not looking good for tomorrow either with a snowstorm and ice storm one-two-punch.

In the meantime, we have been keeping really busy! We have had ALOT of playdates with friends, played alot of games, baked, played, played, played, seen some movies, had a sleepover and tried not to go stir crazy!

The big news is that Nathan got a haircut! According to some (ahem - G) it was long overdue. G and I tag-teamed him and gave it to him ourselves. It makes him look incredibly old and alot like Justin at the same age! Bye bye cute baby curls. Hello toddler-hood.

Justin had a sleepover at my parent's house over the weekend. He was very excited to have a day away with Nana and Pa. He just couldnt contain himself with excitement and wanted to do everything all at once when he got to their house. He got to work on Pa's old erector set from when he was a kid, which was a special treat. And to play darts - something he isnt allowed to do at his own house!!! And stay up late, something he never does at our house.

While Justin was away Evan and I got take out for dinner and bought a special Lowes kit for making a mini golf setup. Him and daddy have been working hard on it the past few nights, he got to use a drill and a saw for the project which is really exciting!
Last Tuesday we went over Scott, Molly and Andrew's house for Taco Tuesday night! I was a bit skeptical about the whole idea because my kids have never eaten tacos and are notoriously picky eaters. However, we have been on a "we all eat the same thing for dinner" plan for the last month now. To my surprise and joy the boys LOVED Taco Tuesday with their cousin. They had two tacos each!!! What a fun night. Thanks Scott and Molly we will definitely do Taco Tuesday again soon as the boys are begging for tacos again!!
Evan started gymnastics a couple weeks ago. I feel like I live at the gym now, with both boys there for an hour each a week. Evan loves his new class. He is thrilled that he and his brother both have the same coach! We are hoping that gymnastics will help strengthen Evan's muscles a bit mroe and help him. If nothing else, he sure is having fun.

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