Thursday, June 17, 2010

Schools Out for Evan

Today was Evan's last day of preschool. I went into his class for an ice cream party, which was a nice way to wrap up the year. Evan didnt seem sad. Not like Justin who ached for his preschool teachers and friends at the end of each school year. Evan said goodbye casually and skipped out of the class. He is a much more resiliant child than I give him credit for sometimes.

You can just barely make out one of Nathan's first teeth in the picture of him smiling above. Its poking a third the way out of his gum. I forgot how white and sharp those little teeth are when they first appear in the baby's mouth! So cute. Im also uploading a picture of Evan and Nathan together - they look so happy together!!! Those two, they are going to be best of friends some day.

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