Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Happy June!

June means school is wrapping up for the boys and we are all getting ready to hit the beach so we welcome the start of June with open arms!!!

Some new pictures for you to enjoy of the boys. And an update on what we have been up to.

Can you guess what is differnet about our living room? We took down the wallpaper border in our living room/dining room/hall. It was a messy and hot project but its done and now the rooms look so much bigger, cleaner and nice!

A couple really sweet ones of Nathan and Evan "wrestling" together on the floor. Nathan and Evan are just the best of friends. Nathan adores Evan and is constantly laughing and smiling at him. Lately Nathan has begun to yell for attention, and Evan yells back, and this pleases Nathan incredibly. I am so happy to continue to see their relationship grow into such a wonderful bond.

A few pictures from Memorial Day weekend - we had a fabulous weekend with my family enjoying the parade in town and having a BBQ with my parents. The boys played games and enjoyed the weather outside. What fun.

Nathan had a bit of a rough weekend - TWO allergic reactions in one weekend. Sigh. Milk and egg whites. Taking after his brother Evan! Good thing I know how to cook for a child with allergies already - Im an old pro at this point!

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