Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Nathan's Pictures


Nathan 2010

Justin 2003
I took Nathan to get his 6 month (7 month really) pictures taken today. He did fabulous. Then I dug up Justin's pictures at 6 months. How similiar!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010


Nathan in a pile of his brother's stuffed animals. While the boys were away we painted their room and cleaned it out completely!

Nathan's new favorite toy is this Leap Frog spinner that plays the alphabet. Neither of the other boys ever liked or played with this toy but Nathan adores it. Just goes to show!
The apple in this picture was mine as a baby, it chimes when you push it or move it.

Its been awfully quiet around our house without the bigger boys around. They are on vacation with my parents for 4 days! Nathan has been getting alot of mommy and daddy attention! Here are some new pictures of our boy.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Happy 7 Months Old!

Our sweet boy. Happy 7 months!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pop Quiz - Name that Kid

1. Me
2. Justin
3. Justin
4. Nathan
5. Justin
6. Nathan

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Nathan Is Sitting UP!!!

A few days shy of his 7 month birthday Nathan is sitting up confidently! Here are a couple videos of him hanging out sitting up with his brothers/chaos all around.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Pool Time!

News alert!!!! Justin can touch the bottom of the pool this year! He is quite proud, and once he got used to touching bottom he ditched his floaties (I was in the water with him and couldnt take pictures and monitor him so there are none of the momentous occassion). He is SO proud of himself. This is going to be a great pool season for him!
My three boys, all love the water so much. Nathan was happy as can be in the pool for quite awhile. I only took him out because he started shivering! He never once fussed. And my little fish Evan spent the entire hot day in and out of the pool.
What a great day.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Schools Out for Evan

Today was Evan's last day of preschool. I went into his class for an ice cream party, which was a nice way to wrap up the year. Evan didnt seem sad. Not like Justin who ached for his preschool teachers and friends at the end of each school year. Evan said goodbye casually and skipped out of the class. He is a much more resiliant child than I give him credit for sometimes.

You can just barely make out one of Nathan's first teeth in the picture of him smiling above. Its poking a third the way out of his gum. I forgot how white and sharp those little teeth are when they first appear in the baby's mouth! So cute. Im also uploading a picture of Evan and Nathan together - they look so happy together!!! Those two, they are going to be best of friends some day.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Another Video

More fun with Nathan trying to sit up.

And this is why...

So, its the only thing you ever see of Nathan's life, this video will explain SO MUCH. This is Nathan's life, love it or hate it. I think he tolerates it all pretty well. But, it also explains why the poor kid cant learn to sit up, because whenever he tries he gets "loved" by a brother with good intentions but slightly too roughly.

At least he will never be lonely right?!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Some really special pictures of G with his family. It amazes me that Jordan towers over G who is 6 feet tall but looks short compared to his nephew! Even more amazing to me is that someday Justin will be about that big! Its hard to believe.
We havent abandoned our blog, we have just been very busy. This past week/weekend Justin and G were traveling for 5 days to visit G's home town and see his nephew graduate from high school! It was a wonderful opportunity for G to see all his relatives he hasnt seen in quite a long time and introduce Justin to everyone and tour where he grew up. They had ALOT of fun and brought back lots of stories! Justin got to ride on an airplane for the very first time which was very exciting. G got a very sweet video of Justin on take off!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Nathan has been working on sitting up. He is still very unsteady, but, we practice each day. Here are some cute pictures of him trying to sit up.

Happy June!

June means school is wrapping up for the boys and we are all getting ready to hit the beach so we welcome the start of June with open arms!!!

Some new pictures for you to enjoy of the boys. And an update on what we have been up to.

Can you guess what is differnet about our living room? We took down the wallpaper border in our living room/dining room/hall. It was a messy and hot project but its done and now the rooms look so much bigger, cleaner and nice!

A couple really sweet ones of Nathan and Evan "wrestling" together on the floor. Nathan and Evan are just the best of friends. Nathan adores Evan and is constantly laughing and smiling at him. Lately Nathan has begun to yell for attention, and Evan yells back, and this pleases Nathan incredibly. I am so happy to continue to see their relationship grow into such a wonderful bond.

A few pictures from Memorial Day weekend - we had a fabulous weekend with my family enjoying the parade in town and having a BBQ with my parents. The boys played games and enjoyed the weather outside. What fun.

Nathan had a bit of a rough weekend - TWO allergic reactions in one weekend. Sigh. Milk and egg whites. Taking after his brother Evan! Good thing I know how to cook for a child with allergies already - Im an old pro at this point!