Thursday, May 13, 2010

Reading and Colds

Justin's goal this month is to read 1,000 minutes in one month. Most of this reading is done by me, with him reading a sentence here and page there. Its a lofty goal and we have been spending lots of in the evenings before bed reading together. Its lots of fun, having the boys snuggled up sharing stories, I want to hold these moments close, because I know they wont last too much longer and they are so precious. The best part is that I get to read some of my favorite books from when I was a kid, and they introduce me to new books. We visit the library weekly to pick out new books, because when you average 35-40 minutes of reading every night, you go through ALOT of books!
Nathan caught Evan's virus from last week and has been one unhappy camper the last few days. Add to this he is getting two bottom teeth in and we have one fussy little boy. But, even fussing, he is so cute.

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