Friday, May 7, 2010


Nathan has the best clothes. Im telling you, I wish that I had his wardrobe! Here he is in his playing homage to Stealers Wheel in his Clowns to the Left of Me Jokers to the Right t-shirt. Do they make that in a woman's size?! PS- He has some carrots from his dinner on his nose to match his orange-ish shirt! LOL. He's been busy trying all the veggies and fruits lately. His favorites are bananas and peas. YUM.

Evan and Nathan spend so much time together while Justin is at school, its been a really great opportunity for the two to bond with eachother. Evan loves Nathan so immensely. His compassion and kindness for Nathan is astounding. He is always playing with, talking to, being near his brother. Sometimes it can be a little much, but, most the time its wonderful. Today I was taking some pictures of Nathan NOT sucking his hand during tummy time ;) and Evan was right there playing with Nathan, this picture I snapped cracks me up!

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