Wednesday, May 26, 2010


We had Nathan baptized this past weekend. It was a wonderful day with family and friends. We were lucky to be able to have G's brother, his boys, and G's parents travel to be part of the day. Nathan looked so cute in his little baptismal outfit and behaved quite well in the church ;) Enjoy some pictures from the event!

Happy Half a Year!!!

Nathan at 1 week old and now.

Nathan turned 6 months old this week! I cannot believe its been half a year. Today I brought him to the doctor for his checkup. He is in the 50th% for his height and unadjusted age, and 10th% for his weight, 15lbs. We still have to fatten him up a bit! Up next, working on popping some of these teeth that are irritating his gums and sitting up!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

New Pictures

Been a really busy week, but here are some pictures of the kids from the week. The Baptism is this weekend and a big visit from Nathan's Uncle, cousins and grandparents from Vermont! Prepare for lots of pictures soon!!!


A video of Nathan playing in his exersaucer this week. He can stand up and put his full weight on his feet now and rock himself/throw his body around in it. Its a bit wobbly and very cute.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Weekend

The famous activity gym that all my boys have adored through the years at my parent's house.
The big boys playing a mini golf game, in their pjs ready for bed.

A quick post with some pictures of the kiddos from our busy and fun weekend. We went letter boxing, a nice hike through the woods in our area and the boys got three more stamps for their books! We spent time with my parents. Justin had two baseball games, and team pictures! We had our Baptismal preparation class. We had friends over. Best of all we got to enjoy alot of beautiful weather outdoors!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Reading and Colds

Justin's goal this month is to read 1,000 minutes in one month. Most of this reading is done by me, with him reading a sentence here and page there. Its a lofty goal and we have been spending lots of in the evenings before bed reading together. Its lots of fun, having the boys snuggled up sharing stories, I want to hold these moments close, because I know they wont last too much longer and they are so precious. The best part is that I get to read some of my favorite books from when I was a kid, and they introduce me to new books. We visit the library weekly to pick out new books, because when you average 35-40 minutes of reading every night, you go through ALOT of books!
Nathan caught Evan's virus from last week and has been one unhappy camper the last few days. Add to this he is getting two bottom teeth in and we have one fussy little boy. But, even fussing, he is so cute.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Whats in the laundry basket????

I do alot of laundry. ALOT. Its not so much fun. So, when I get an opportunity to have a laugh while doing that chore, I get excited, and take pictures:)


Here is a video of Evan from the weekend biking. PS- thats not our new house in the background;)

Friday, May 7, 2010


Nathan has the best clothes. Im telling you, I wish that I had his wardrobe! Here he is in his playing homage to Stealers Wheel in his Clowns to the Left of Me Jokers to the Right t-shirt. Do they make that in a woman's size?! PS- He has some carrots from his dinner on his nose to match his orange-ish shirt! LOL. He's been busy trying all the veggies and fruits lately. His favorites are bananas and peas. YUM.

Evan and Nathan spend so much time together while Justin is at school, its been a really great opportunity for the two to bond with eachother. Evan loves Nathan so immensely. His compassion and kindness for Nathan is astounding. He is always playing with, talking to, being near his brother. Sometimes it can be a little much, but, most the time its wonderful. Today I was taking some pictures of Nathan NOT sucking his hand during tummy time ;) and Evan was right there playing with Nathan, this picture I snapped cracks me up!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Evan, Tummy Time and MN Pride

Just wanted to share a cute picture of Evan I snapped the other day in mid-play with his Power Rangers. Evan has the most sweet and happy disposition. What a wonderful little boy he is!!!
I found a St. Charles t-shirt that one of the boys had tucked away in a container of baby things and its the perfect size for Nathan! Here he is modeling his MN pride:)

Nathan really doesnt like tummy time. He doesnt cry, but, he refuses to do much except lay there and suck his hands. Even with some excouragement from his big brother, he still just lays and sucks away.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Five Months

Well, better late than never. Nathan's five month picture, despite being five months for a week now:)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Morning

I caught all three of the boys "hanging out together" this morning when I woke up (G had gotten up with them all earlier). Its a rare occurance, these pictures with three boys all relatively still and close enough to fit them all in the frame. Its probably because the bigger boys are both sick. Evan more sick than Justin, but, both are definitely run down and not feeling well. I had just finished up Evan's Pulmicourt treatments for the winter cold/flu season a week or so ago, and then he got hit with this upper respiratory thing. Not good timing. Here's hoping everyone feels better soon, and the baby doesnt catch it! Enjoy the picture!