Sunday, April 11, 2010

Our Weekend

What a weekend! Justin started softball this weekend. He had his first practice on Saturday morning. It was a bit cold, but his enthusiasm made up for the weather. His team this year are the Phillies, he was disappointed he wasnt the Red Sox. I havent broken it to him that no one in the league are actually the Red Sox team, to keep things fair.

I took Evan to a woodworking class at our local home improvement store. We had SO.MUCH.FUN. Evan got his own hammer and workman's apron. It really worked his fine motor skills, which was fantastic. It was nice for him to have his "own" thing to do while Justin has softball because he is still not old enough to be on a team but desperately wants to be! Saturday afternoon Justin attended a birthday party at the local bowling place, which was fun.

Sunday G took the boys to a local field to practice some baseball. Justin is really getting the hang of it. Evan is a good hitter too for his age. Afterwards we headed to my parents house for the afternoon and the boys played more outside, more softball, more running around, more fresh air! And we had dinner with my parents.

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