Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

The boys opening their baskets Easter morning. The Easter bunny got them both tennis rackets and tennis balls. We have tennis courts right down the street from our house and the kids were always asking to go play on them. We went tonight and played for over an hour. What fun! Justin is actually really good for just beginning the sport. The Easter Bunny also got both boys a set of go-gos. Here is Justin setting them up for a battle.

After breakfast at home, we headed over to my parent's house and the kids had an egg hunt in my parent's backyard. The weather was so nice that they actually got warm with their jeans on running around looking for eggs! Each boy had 20 eggs with their initial on them. They had so much fun looking for the eggs, which were hidden quite well. Each year the hiding spots get a bit more challenging!

The boys got Easter baskets from my parents as well. Both got a set of baseball cards in their basket! I think their Pa is trying to get them addicted to baseball card collecting so he has an excuse to go out and buy more:)

It was SO warm out that Evan decided shirtless was the way to be playing with his bubble maker.

Nathan getting some love from his Auntie Laura.

We tried to get a nice picture of the boys together. Of course, the more children we have, the less chances of getting a decent picture. With three boys, its now virtually impossible and requires much bribery:)

A picture of the whole family is just as challenging, but, we managed to get a decent shot where everyone is at least looking in the general direction of the camera with their eyes open.

Happy Easter!!!

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