Friday, April 30, 2010

Look What I Can Do!

Nathan figured out how to grab his toes with his hands this week! Its all the rage in our household right now. He has not gotten them into his mouth yet, but, tonight he was very close! So cute.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Then and Now

Nathan in November and today with the same binkie in his mouth! Look at the difference in his size! We are so grateful for how well he is doing and how much he is growing.

Sweet Potatoes

Nathan had his first taste of baby food tonight! Sweet potatoes. He ate them up, but, didnt look like he was really enjoying himself at first. Here are some of the cuter faces he made while eating initially. I forgot how messy feeding a baby can be! Its more like smearing their face with food and hoping some gets into their tummy. But, its also alot of fun.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Nathan - 5 months old!!!

Happy 5 months old!!! The other day I found Evan letting Nathan chew on his finger. It was so cute I had to take a picture. Im just going to pretend that he had duitifully gone in the bathroom and washed his finger before letting his brother gnaw on it. Right. Poor Nathan, his teeth are really bothering him lately (though nothing has broken through the gum yet) and he shoves anything he can get into his mouth to relieve the pressure/pain.


Justin had a baseball game today. He is on the Rookies League this year, his team is the Phillies. This year in the new league, with the "older kids" the team has outs, and dont use a tee to hit the ball. But, everyone gets up to bat three times per game, regardless of the number of outs. And the teams dont keep score. Justin made a great play today, while playing third base he got a boy out. He was really proud of himself. He also hit the ball all three times up at bat! (If the kids dont hit after 4 tries they run anyway.) Justin still prefers to hit/swing like a right handed player even though he throws and catches with his left hand (the hand he writes with).

School Pictures - Spring

So, Evan's school takes pictures twice in a year apparently, Fall and Spring, Ive never heard of such a thing. I didnt dress Evan for a picture, I dont think I even knew when they were. But, they took one of him anyway. In his Star Wars shirt. And they sent home a sample, in case, you know, I wanted to order them after the fact. Which I dont, and which annoys me because they used ink and paper to print the picture that will just get thrown away by them after I return it, but, it was cute enough to scan and share. I think his smile is priceless ;)

Sunday, April 18, 2010


A cute video of Nathan playing in his Exersaucer. Its very serious business :)

Teething Stinks!

Nathan's teeth have been really bothering him lately. Im expecting one or more little bumps to appear on his gums any day now based on how much he has his hands in his mouth lately. Poor kid.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

This is How He Sleeps

Im constantly amused by our ways to try and get our boys to sleep. Nathan, like both Evan and Justin, has decided he needs only catnaps at night to survive. Too bad mommy needs more than 2-3 hours at a time. We have tried everything to get him to sleep longer stretches. The best results we have had are our current sleep situation: He sleeps in a sleep pod, he looks just like a little pea in a pod. His hands and legs are contained, zipped up so they cant flail about and keep him awake. He sleeps in his co-sleeper, next to my bed. With his binky. And his giraffe with soothing sounds. He still only sleeps 3 hours at a time, but, its awfully cute:)

Happy Birthday Dad!

Nathan and dad. Mom and Justin versus Evan in a game of Dog Diggity Go Fish.

Evan helping my dad blow out the candle.

Who gets to lick the candle?

A BIG Happy Birthday to my dad! Yesterday we had a little birthday party at our house for my dad. G is traveling so it was just my mom and dad and the boys, but, we still had a great time!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Our Weekend

What a weekend! Justin started softball this weekend. He had his first practice on Saturday morning. It was a bit cold, but his enthusiasm made up for the weather. His team this year are the Phillies, he was disappointed he wasnt the Red Sox. I havent broken it to him that no one in the league are actually the Red Sox team, to keep things fair.

I took Evan to a woodworking class at our local home improvement store. We had SO.MUCH.FUN. Evan got his own hammer and workman's apron. It really worked his fine motor skills, which was fantastic. It was nice for him to have his "own" thing to do while Justin has softball because he is still not old enough to be on a team but desperately wants to be! Saturday afternoon Justin attended a birthday party at the local bowling place, which was fun.

Sunday G took the boys to a local field to practice some baseball. Justin is really getting the hang of it. Evan is a good hitter too for his age. Afterwards we headed to my parents house for the afternoon and the boys played more outside, more softball, more running around, more fresh air! And we had dinner with my parents.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Nathan has been rubbing his blankies across his face when he gets tired and is in the car. Here is a cute short video of him doing it.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Just for Fun

Nathan is really figuring out his hands lately. He likes to grab at things and bat at them. Everything he touches gets put directly into his mouth. Here is the washcloth he stole during his bath. Nathan has been taking his bath in his Bumbo in the sink after the big kids go to bed when time doesnt permit a bath with his brothers. Look at that chubby body!
The shirt says it all. Garren ironically didnt buy it for him:)

Evan loves hanging out with Nathan.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

The boys opening their baskets Easter morning. The Easter bunny got them both tennis rackets and tennis balls. We have tennis courts right down the street from our house and the kids were always asking to go play on them. We went tonight and played for over an hour. What fun! Justin is actually really good for just beginning the sport. The Easter Bunny also got both boys a set of go-gos. Here is Justin setting them up for a battle.

After breakfast at home, we headed over to my parent's house and the kids had an egg hunt in my parent's backyard. The weather was so nice that they actually got warm with their jeans on running around looking for eggs! Each boy had 20 eggs with their initial on them. They had so much fun looking for the eggs, which were hidden quite well. Each year the hiding spots get a bit more challenging!

The boys got Easter baskets from my parents as well. Both got a set of baseball cards in their basket! I think their Pa is trying to get them addicted to baseball card collecting so he has an excuse to go out and buy more:)

It was SO warm out that Evan decided shirtless was the way to be playing with his bubble maker.

Nathan getting some love from his Auntie Laura.

We tried to get a nice picture of the boys together. Of course, the more children we have, the less chances of getting a decent picture. With three boys, its now virtually impossible and requires much bribery:)

A picture of the whole family is just as challenging, but, we managed to get a decent shot where everyone is at least looking in the general direction of the camera with their eyes open.

Happy Easter!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Soccer Class!


Warm weather! A visit to my parent's house. A run in the sprinklers. Lots of silliness. Lots of fun. Life is good.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Math with Evan

Evan, Justin and I were playing a game with my mom on how to make ten of something. Justin said, "Five plus five". Evan said, "Ten ones". He just really GETS math. Its eeire how good he is at it.

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures

Evan eating. Note: yes I know its a Christmas bib, but its one of the only ones that still fits over his head!

Cute chubby little fingers learning to work his world.

Nathan spinning his Exersaucer toy.

Evan and Nathan hanging out watching tv together.

Happy April! I wanted to post some random cute pictures of the boys for everyone to enjoy!