Sunday, January 31, 2010

Quick Update

A quick update. Its been bitterly cold the past week, keeping us indoors except for trips to school for the most part. Although we did enjoy dinner at my parents' house on Saturday night. The boys have been enjoying the down time indoors. They play so well together, they really are eachother's best friend. I snapped the first picture of the boys playing a game of Yugi-Oh together this weekend, while Nathan looked on. He adores listening and watching his brothers play.
Do you like his tye-dyed outfit? Since he is fitting into his 0-3 month clothing now, his wardrobe has opened up! My mom purchased this outfit for him from the Vineyard last summer while I was still pregnant with him. He is an official "Vineyarder" and this summer he will get to enjoy the beach for the first time, until then we can dream of the warmer weather and sun and sand:)
Nathan is now 8lbs 12 oz. So close to 9lbs! He is getting chubby little thighs and a bit of a double chin! But, he still seems so small to us, for a 2 month old. I posted a picture of his daddy holding him, to give you some perspective on his size.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

First Photo Shoot

The first photo shoot of our 3 boys together! It went better than I expected. I braved it alone with the kids after school today. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

First Tooth!

I was wondering which of my kids would experience a tooth milestone first - Justin losing his first tooth or Nathan getting his first tooth. Looks like Justin won! He lost his first tooth last night, and his adult tooth is right there halfway in already. He was very proud, I nearly cried. I cant possibly be old enough to have a child losing his teeth...can I????

Monday, January 25, 2010

Two Months!

Nathan's two month picture with his doggy.
The Vikings littlest fan...too bad he fell asleep during the game, or maybe good thing he didnt experience the heartbreak that was last night's game.

How could Nathan possibly already be two months old? Time sure is flying by. Today I took Nathan for his two month exam with his pediatrician. He is doing really well. He outgrew the preemie growth chart - yahoo!!! He is 8lbs, 6.4 oz which is the 3rd % for his age, or 25th % for his corrected age when taking into account he was born 4+ weeks early. He is 21 3/4 inches long, 10%. His head circumference was HUGE, which is to be expected for my children by now:) He got two vaccines, we are choosing a delayed vaccination schedule with Nathan, typically at this visit he would get a combination of 6 vaccinations. I had the opportunity to meet and talk with my lactation consultant while we were there and she was so happy with his progress and we talked a bit about nursing. She offered me the opportunity to donate some of my excess supply of breast milk to a local milk bank, so we are going to set that up in the coming couple months, once Nathan gets to 11lbs. I think it will be a wonderful opportunity for me to do something good for babies in our area.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Eight is Great!!

Nathan is 8 weeks old today and 8lbs! Thats the good news. He is also has developed food allergies, taking after his brother Evan. Thats the bad news. So far we know about milk, but I suspect that there may be more. For now Im avoiding all dairy in my diet so that he wont be exposed. Considering cheese is my favorite food, this isnt easy:) Hoping that once the milk protiens get out of his system our fussy little boy as of late will return to his happy self again.
Some new pictures of our cute little man - I caught a smile he was giving his daddy! Those smiles make it all so worth it!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Pictures

Nathan went for his first walk this weekend! Nathan loved the Ergo Baby Carrier ride and being outdoors. Nathan also wore his first "real boy" clothes today - size 0-3 months - granted the clothes are still a bit big on him but I couldnt resist putting him in one of the cute shirts:)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Growth Spurt!

Nathan is on quite the growth spurt right now. He weighed in last night at 7lbs 9 oz! He is STARVING constantly, and eating every 2 hours, which is good in terms of weight gain but not for me getting any sleep at all. I have been exhausted, barely making it through the day. Its a mixed blessing. Once he gets to 9 lbs though, we can start delaying feedings, or so "they" say, trying to stretch out the time between each feeding and increase the amount he eats at each. In the meantime its demnad feedings for us.

Im posting a cute picture of his daddy and Nathan cuddle up yesterday evening together. (G had a racquetball accident resulting in a black/cut eye.)

Monday, January 11, 2010

More Pictures and a Weigh-in

We weighed Nathan today and he weighs 7lbs, 4oz! Almost 3 lbs weight gain in 7 weeks! We are so very happy. He is a great little baby, has quite the personality. His favorite thing to do when he is awake is listen/watch his big brothers be rowdy and play. He stares at them wide eyes.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

6 weeks!

Nathan turned six weeks old this week. I can barely believe its been so long already. Today he smiled while awake TWICE at me. So sweet. I got some pictures of him where you can really see how blue his eyes are turning. They started out dark, nearly black, and have been getting lighter and lighter blue. Click on the picture in the blog to enlarge it and see the details! Enjoy.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Pictures!

Nathan's hands are still so impossibly small compared to the boys. Here is a good photo to show the difference between Evan and Nathan's hands. Evan is warming up more and more to his baby brother these days. Of couse this means being very watchful to make sure he doesnt hug=smother Nathan. But, its really nice to see a bond forming between brothers.
This picture reminds me so much of Justin as a baby.

Yesterday at the doctor Nathan weighed in at 6lbs 10oz! Growing so fast!!! You can really tell
from this picture that he is getting weight on his body.
He still really hates being naked though:)

Friday, January 1, 2010


Nathan now weighs 6lbs 4 oz!!! He has actual thighs now, not just skinny chicken legs with loose skin! And he is getting some chub to his cheeks which I just love. Yea for breast milk and constant feedings!

Baby smiles are funny things, they most the time occur at this age while Nathan is sleeping or pooping. You will be happy to know Nathan was sleeping when I snapped these sweet smiles. He has two little dimples, on either side of his mouth that you cant see well in the pictures but they are really cute. Enjoy!