Thursday, December 27, 2012

Celebrating - Gingerbread Houses

The magic of Christmas is in the celebration of the season and the traditions interwoven into the preparations leading up to the big day.  Every year since Justin was a baby we have been making gingerbread houses.  We make them shortly after the calendar turns to December and the kids are allowed to eat them on my mom's birthday.  

This year we invited my cousin and his son Andrew over for the fun.  And was it ever fun!!!

Here is the dining room table set up with the houses (Andrew brought his own house over) and candy waiting for four boys to set to work.
 A house fresh with possibilities.
 The boys begin.
 Nathan was surprisingly good at decorating his house.
 Andrew with a smile.
 Justin with a smile.
 And a laugh.
 Evan with a fist and mouth full of candy.  Its too good to resist while you decorate.
 Scott and Andrew.
 Little decorating hands.
 The completed projects.

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