Thursday, December 27, 2012

Celebrating - Gingerbread Houses

The magic of Christmas is in the celebration of the season and the traditions interwoven into the preparations leading up to the big day.  Every year since Justin was a baby we have been making gingerbread houses.  We make them shortly after the calendar turns to December and the kids are allowed to eat them on my mom's birthday.  

This year we invited my cousin and his son Andrew over for the fun.  And was it ever fun!!!

Here is the dining room table set up with the houses (Andrew brought his own house over) and candy waiting for four boys to set to work.
 A house fresh with possibilities.
 The boys begin.
 Nathan was surprisingly good at decorating his house.
 Andrew with a smile.
 Justin with a smile.
 And a laugh.
 Evan with a fist and mouth full of candy.  Its too good to resist while you decorate.
 Scott and Andrew.
 Little decorating hands.
 The completed projects.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

We are Back! Prepare for an Overload of Cuteness!

I finished my 365 book from 2011, just in time for 2013!  Better late than never.  The blog turned into a 221 page photo book that is being published as we speak.  It came out so fabulous.  And although it was an enormous amount of work, I am so inspired by the finished product that Im going to do it again!  For 2013.  Keep an eye out for that link coming in the next few days!  Ill post it here!  

The other good news is that Ive deleted the old blog so I have memory space again!  Here is an overload of cuteness from Nathan's 3 year old photo session he did in November.  

Unbearably cute right?!

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Its December already!  I have so much to tell and so many pictures to share.  However......

Blogger has told me I have reached my memory capacity.

This means I cant load any more pictures until I delete some stuff.  Or pay!  Ridiculous amounts of money (which is anything greater than $0).

I have been meaning to transfer the 365 blog from TWO YEARS AGO for ages now (or two years).  So, until then, no new pictures, no cute videos.

Until then...imagine my kids cute smiling faces and all the December fun we are having.