Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jumping Game

Evan went to his friend's birthday party today. I was lucky enough to attend with him without the other two boys, thanks to my mom who babysat for me. The party was at Chuck E. Cheese, which might possibly be my least favorite place on Earth, or tie with the dentist. But people rarely have birthday parties at the dentist, and as it turns out lots of kids have their parties at Chuck E. Cheese. Dont believe me? This is our THIRD Chuck E Cheese party since August. Its only September. Sigh...

Anyways, Chuck E Cheese has this fabulous game called the jump rope game or something like that. I got this awesome video of Evan playing the game. Take a look at Evan's feet as he jumps, its absolutely amazing!!! This from a boy who a year ago could not jump with two feet. Ever. Let alone timing his jumps to the game. This video brings a tear to my eye. How far Evan has come in such a short time. How hopeful we are for the future.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Its nearing the end of September. To be exact, we have 9 more days until OCTOBER. It blows my mind that October has snuck up on me. And while I've been clinging to the idea that summer is NOT over. It is. The sweatshirts and even pants have been dragged from the back of the closets and drawers (as an aside I love dragging out the pants after a season-long hiatus to see just how much the boys have grown when they put them on and discover they are at least two inches to short). I love Fall, dont get me wrong, but I had a few more summer bucket list items that never got experienced this year.

The weather is still reasonable enough for the park. The past couple weeks we have been to our favorite park in our town quite a number of times. This park has been recently updated and pretty much has it all for the boys, to include a fabulous rock climbing wall that Evan is getting really good at! Look at his little leg muscles!!! So proud of that.
The boys have been enjoying their time together more, now that school is in session and they aren't together 24/7. I snapped a cute picture of the three together on the couch watching Cars. This movie has been resurrected from the depths of our dvd case and watched repeatedly for the past couple weeks. All three boys love it and are obsessed with it. We cant wait for Cars 2 to come out on video!
One of the best parts of Fall is visiting the farm with the corn box (thats corn in a sandbox for the non-locals). And it is fabulous. It was Nathan's first experience in the cornbox. After reminding him several times that even though this looks JUST LIKE what you eat, its not, so dont, he had fun playing and only once tried again to eat it.
This cornbox just cries out to you to put your bare feet in it and feel it in all its glorious cool soft/hardness. I know its gross but it had to be done.

I bribed the boys into taking a picture with creepy-pumpkin-man with me. They (sortof) obliged. Justin wouldn't sit anywhere near the pumpkin dude, he was scared. My kids are so not ready for Disney World.
At least Nathan liked him!
The boys have been really into arts and crafts lately: paints, playdough, coloring. Its pretty great that all three can do an activity together for any length of time. Nathan really likes playdough.
And coloring. And anything his older brothers are doing.
It seems that Nathan knows he will be turning two years old soon (two years old - MIND BLOWING). He has been doing his best impression of a terrible-two year old. Its pretty convincing.
Thats his mad face. I think I told him he could not have the second bag of fruit snacks he found in the back of the drawer that he was rummaging through while I was not looking.

The boys and I have settled into a decent routine with school and homework and activity schedules now. Evan started tball last weekend, he isnt playing through the town this year, because they dont have a town league for tball in the Fall. But, he is enjoying the indoor class I got him in. He and G play together in the class, and it is special bonding time for the two guys on the field. Justin started gymnastics. He is in an older level this year and its alot more intense and serious. His class is 1 1/2 hours now. He is the youngest one and definitely the smallest but he seems to be able to keep up and likes it.

Our goals for the end of September include finishing the shed project in the backyard that is probably 75% finished currently. G is anxious to get his car back into the garage before the cold weather and snow, which means moving all our lawn toys and equipment out and into the shed. Im hoping to can the rest of the tomatoes that are on the vines in the garden before the first frost. Our current tomato count is just over 200 for the season. I also would like to try and dig up the horseradish and see if I can preserve it as well.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Then and Now - Butterflies and Boys

The boys in 2007.
The boys in 2011.These pictures shows what a difference 4 years makes! The boys are impossible old looking compared to their former baby-selves.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Then and Now - Go Carts

Justin on the go carts 2011.Justin on the go carts 2007.