Friday, February 26, 2010

3 Months!

Nathan was 3 months old yesterday. He weighed in at 10lbs, 4oz. He still has RSV which he has had for about 2 weeks now. Although, he seems to be eating more and his chest congestion is better, he is still sleeping alot and a bit grumpy.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Brotherly Love

I love this picture because I think it shows just how much Justin and Nathan look alike: They have the exact same nose, mouth, face shape and coloring. Im still not sure about the eyes.

The nice thing about vacation this week has been that Justin has gotten to spend quite a bit of time with Nathan. Nathan finds him really funny and always greets him with wide eyes and big smiles.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Smiles and the Like

I took the boys to the Lego store today as a special treat for the first day of school vacation. They had a blast and picked out a Lego kit each. Here are some pictures from the day to include Legos, smiles from Nathan, and outdoor play with Evan.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Special Shirt

My Aunt Pat sent this adorable shirt she painted to Nathan. Thank you Auntie Pat!!!

A Weekend With Grandma and Grandpa

Nathan with Grandma and Grandpa. The "big boys" with their grandparents.

The big boys watching tv and snuggling with Mandy, she is much more snugglable than Chewy:)

Mom and Dad made the trip down to meet Nathan this weekend!!! All the boys enjoyed the visit from their grandparents and Mandy (their dog). We are so glad they were able to come and visit. Hopefully the weather will turn warm soon and we will be able to have more visits.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

We had a delicious Valentine's Day dinner with my parents and sister.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Smiles! Nathan and Evan

Happy silly boys.

A Mohawk and Weight Gain

Nathan in his mohawk hat knit by my friend Kyle. You can see how much our big boy has grown since we brought him home in his carseat, he is actually filling it out now! Last night we weighed Nathan and he was 9lbs, 12oz. Nearly 10lbs!!!

Monday, February 8, 2010


Evan: 2 months old
Justin: 2 1/2 months old Nathan 2 months old

I know you are not supposed to do it, but, I do, constantly. I compare the boys, who they resemble, etc. Here are the latest picture comparisons of the boys: Nathan, Justin and Evan as babies. I think Nathan resembles nearly exactly Justin, minus the ears. But, some people say they see Evan. Ill let the pictures decide.

This is how we sleep and other things...

I got some pictures of Nathan sleeping the other morning. This is how he sleeps at night, wrapped up tight in hopes of keeping him asleep. Thats the co-sleeper, which he sleeps in beside my bed. Its actually REALLY convenient with nursing and the amount of times he wakes from sleep in a night. Unfortunately his sleeping schedule has not been improving much, despite his whopping 9lbs, 6 oz. size as of yesterday. He usually goes for one 3 hour stretch and one 2 hour stretch and then wakes nearly on the hour after that until I finally relent and get up for good. I had forgotten what this type of sleep deprivation feels like, since its been nearly 4 years since Ive had such a schedule. Its really hard. But, all the feedings at night are paying off. He is healthy and gaining weight and getting chubby!!! Here are a couple pictures of his chubby body and little thunder thighs! So happy that makes it all worth it somehow!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Some great news all around this week.

Nathan continues to make excellent gains - he now weighs 9 lbs!!!! His thighs continue to fill out and his cheeks are getting pinchable. He also is smiling ALOT. Especially at his daddy, who is the funny one, whereas mom is the feeder;) He is losing some of his baby hair, the more "reddish" long hair on the top of his head is falling out and being rubbed off the back of his head. Its being replaced with WHITE hair, even lighter than Justin's color!

Justin brought home his report card today. He did FABULOUS on it! He is excelling in his academics as well as behavioral and social areas of school. We are very, very proud of him. This has been such a wonderful school year for him. His class has been the best thing that has ever happened to him and our family.
Evan started gymnastics class at a place near our house. He is in the class with one of his friends, Drew, the son of one of my girlfriends. He LOVES the class and its a great way for him to work on some gross motor skills!
Im posting a couple new pictures of Nathan. He is quite the expressive little baby, I just love the faces he makes!