Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fall Fun!

With the unseasonably warm Fall we have had, the boys have had so much time to be out in the yard exploring our land and building their own fort! I posted a few pictures of them in the woods on our property. They have their very own "look out" rock which is a giant boulder on our property, as well as a whole forest of trees to use to erect their fort. And we have the PERFECT climbing tree in our yard. Im sure it will be the perfect fall-and-break-your-arm tree too, but, Im learning to let go of my nervousness a little:) We are in LOVE with our yard! Its just a dream come true to have a huge space for the boys to explore and play and just be kids.

The boys painted their pumpkins! This year they both wanted castles on their pumpkins, for whatever reason. And thats what they painted. It was alot of fun being outdoors in our new yard doing the painting.

Fall fun includes warm snuggly outfits for Nathan. I love footsie pajamas and sweaters and sweatshirts on Nathan, it makes him irresistably huggable!

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