Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Don't Forget! The 365 Blog


Dont forget to check out our 365 blog where I attempt to keep daily updates of photos of our lives.

Happy Birthday Evan!

Evan turned 7 earlier this month.  We celebrated with a Minecraft themed party.  A very huge thanks to my mom who made this fabulous Minecraft cake for Evan.  I wish I would have captured his face seeing the cake for the first time.  He LOVED it.

It really was spectacular.  The entire thing was 100% edible. 

There were also Minecraft gifts and cards, made by moi.

Evan got an awesome Minecraft shirt from his Nana and Pa.

Blowing out his candles.

 Eating a pig.

I made Evan this special blanket for his bed.  Of course it was Minecraft themed!  I crocheted each of the squares of green and black and pieced it together.  I finished just in the nick of time, after many, many, many hours of work.  He has been sleeping wrapped up in it every night.

I can hardly fathom the fact that Evan is 7 years old.  Wasn't he just born?  It cant be possible, and yet here he is, 7 years old.  A wonderful, sweet, smart, funny, kind, compassionate, not-so-little-anymore, boy.

This year his actual birthday was a school day, and he wanted to bring in something special to share with his classmates to celebrate his birthday.  He thought ALOT about it and decided on cake pops.  I have actually never made a cake pop before, so this was surprising and a challenge for me.  Needless to say, I was up until past 10pm the night before his birthday making 20 cake pops for him and his classmates.  They wound up coming out really great and Evan was so proud to bring them in the next day.  Definitely worth all the effort!

Something very special this year is that Evan has a classmate who was also born the same day, in the same hospital, only hours separating them!  I have known his mom since the kids were little, and this year they wound up in the same class.  It was really special for Evan to have a friend to celebrate with.  What are the chances of meeting someone born on the same day, in the same hospital as you?  And then being their classmate?!  Very cool.