Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy Summer!!!

We have been living it up this summer, leaving very little time for lengthy blog posts. I am keeping up with my daily picture posts though, which will give you a peek into our fun-filled summer...
We made our annual family vacation to Martha's Vineyard at the beginning of July. The boys swimming lessons really paid off in the ocean! Both were little fish and felt really confident in the water. We really enjoyed our vacation this year, it probably was one of the best years in memory. The older boys are at such a wonderful age for doing activities. Nathan is such an easy going baby, he happily gets dragged around with the older boys. This year the boys' cousin Andrew spent the majority of vacation with them. This was wonderful for the boys to have a friend to share their vacation with.
The boys have attended a few camps already this summer. Evan really loved soccer camp last week. Justin is currently attending Lego camp and likes it so far. Today they proudly showed off their motorized trucks they worked on! Quite impressive. Justin has baseball camp and a dance camp yet to come before the end of the summer!
Evan has been keeping up with occupational and physical therapy as well as swim therapy so we stay quite busy with those three times a week throughout the summer. The plan is to continue his services through the end of the year this year and then have a school/team meeting to discuss his progress, strengths and weaknesses and a plan to address each. The progress he has been making since March is amazing, he is such a hard worker and wonderful boy.
The majority of our days though have been spent outdoors in our wonderful yard. We have had lots of playdates to share our beautiful playspace with our friends. Swinging on the swingset, bouncing in our new bounce house, playing in the slip and slides and sprinklers...its all good!
It really has been such a wonderful summer for us all. I never want to see the fun end. I got a glance at some back to school ads in the paper and cringed. Im not ready!!!! We still have lots of fun yet to be had.......