Sunday, June 19, 2011

Excuses, Excuses...

We've been awfully busy enjoying our backyard and the sun, the garden, friends, family and fun. And I haven't been blogging. Or taking many pictures. Its apparent that the boys are getting used to not having a camera in their face 24/7 when all I can produce to share is this photo of Nathan telling mom-arazzi ENOUGH. Although it is actually an interesting picture of Nathan's single transverse palmar crease that all my boys have (Justin has two, one on each of his hands, Nathan and Evan each have one). No one else in our family has one, as far as we know.

Anyways, we have been in the garden working the soil. Our plants are growing! We expanded the garden a bit to make room for some additional plants the kids brought home from school - pumpkins galore - if all these pumpkin plants grow you can all come pumpkin picking in our backyard in the Fall!!! Our apple trees are now covered with tiny apples and our peach tree is LOADED with baby peaches waiting to ripen into deliciousness. Yum. Im eagerly googling recipes for all our plants! I have a 200+ page cookbook full of recipes to make with squash and zucchini that Im anxious to start using. The squash has flowers on it already!!!

The kids have been living in the yard. We drag them in every.single.night. I secretly love their shouts of protest when we tell them its time to go in. Shhh...dont tell them. Justin has officially beat me at HORSE, thus proving that at 7 years old his basket ball skills out shine his mothers, which if you know me you know that this is not a stretch of the imagination. Nathan has conquered his plastic slide and has moved on to trying to climb the ladder on the swing set, the ladder which incidently leads to the monkey bars, far above his head. He is convinced he is 5 years old at least and will not be deterred by my words of caution. He is such a boy. We have aquired another sandbox for the boys! I predict that they will no longer want to play in the sandboxes all summer now that they arent all forced into one tiny box together.

Justin finished up baseball season through the town league and Evan has one more weekend of soccer. Evan has turned into a soccer superstar all of the sudden. He has always loved the game but now he loves it and is getting pretty good. He scored three goals on Saturday's game and was VERY proud of himself. His reward for a great game was a snowcone from the ice cream truck. G asked him, "Evan, do you want a snow cone for a treat?" Evan said, "YES! [pause] What is a snow cone?" Very sweet.

School is almost over for Justin, just two and a half more days. Evan said goodbye to his integrated preschool program on Friday. On to kindergarten and second grade! I cant believe how old my boys are getting. The boys will be at the same school together next year, and for the following 3 years together, which is wonderful. They are going to be riding the bus home from school together every day. I requested afternoon kindergarten for Evan for next year (Im hoping that with both the older boys away at school each afternoon Nathan will have at least a chance at a decent nap with a quiet house). The boys are busy planning a very detailed summer party for their friends in July after we get back from vacation. I promised them a party outside in our backyard ages ago and they are holding me to that promise! Its definitely having a pinata (Evan's choice) and a Nerf gun fight (Justin's choice).

This week we bought a new car. G's Maxima was on its last leg/wheel. Im groaning as I write this. Car shopping/purchasing is one of the most tedious, tiring activities I can imagine. Not to mention expensive. We settled on a Camry, although we were all over the map at one point or another. Im just glad its done. This week we also had to buy a new dryer. Copy and paste things I said about car shopping/purchasing here for dryer shopping. We actually survived (barely) no dryer for a whole week. The boys were saying, "I cant find any clean underwear" at one point though, actually Im not really sure how they resolved that issue :) Eh. So, needless to say, its been a very expensive and busy week here with all this shopping and decision making.

Nathan had his 18 month checkup at the doctor this week. He is in the 5th percentile for weight weighing in at a whopping 21-ish pounds. And he is 33 inches tall, which I believe was the 60th percentile for height. His new thing he says is "cheese" when he sees a camera out. He also loves to make the "woo-woo" noise for a fire truck. Or any car that is red. Or any big truck. He pretty much does it all the time. He loves to climb. On everything. He climbed onto the dining room table this week and got an M&M and ate it. He didnt get an allergic reaction. So, we tried butter in a homemade cookie this weekend and he didnt get hives or throw up!!!! This is HUGE. Fingers crossed this is the beginning of the end of the milk allergy. There's still the egg allergy but milk would open up a whole world of new foods for him. I taking it slow, I might try some yogurt this week though.

I think that brings us up to date on all the important matters. :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Updates from the 365 Project

Half way through the year and the 365 project is still going strong!


Friday, June 3, 2011

Evan's Last Day of Preschool and Summer Plans

I have been trying to upload this cute video of Evan doing a song and dance at his last day of preschool but cant get it to upload. I did get it on my facebook account, so if you go there, you can view it!!!

Evan had his last day of preschool at his private preschool, his integrated preschool program does not end until the end of June when Justin gets out. Evan didnt seem sad at all for preschool to be over. The boy is so laid back about things, its not that he doesnt care its just that he is such a happy go lucky kid i think he is confident that school or no school, he will have fun things to do once school is out. And boy do we have plans!

Last night we had a family meeting and we discussed our list of things we want to do this summer. The boys came up with some wonderful ideas, alot of them are related to vacation at the beach. The boys look forward to their beach vacation so much, its such a wonderful tradition. And its not far away now!!! The countdown has begun and we are looking at less than 30 days! YAY!

The boys are also signed up for some camps this summer, which will keep us busy! Justin is doing a dance camp, baseball and Lego. Evan is doing a soccer camp. And Evan will be continuing with occupational therapy, physical therapy and swim therapy through the summer.

Mostly though we are looking forward to just enjoying our giant beautiful back yard for the first summer! I cant say enough times how much it means to our family to have a huge yard for the kids to play in. We are so lucky and happy. The boys have already gotten so much use out of our new swingset and the yard. Its amazing how much time we spend outdoors now. Its almost hard to remember what we did with ourselves pre-big yardage! The boys get out of school and immediately go out to the yard and play and play. We usually have to drag them in after dinner well past their bedtime. Its wonderful.