Sunday, May 22, 2011

Catch Up

Ive been neglecting my blogging duties. The call of the outdoors has been too powerful to ignore. We have been out enjoying our yard, playing in the gardens and generally enjoying fresh air. All this has left little time for blogging. Dont forget though that here: you can find daily photos of us!!!

This weekend was busy, but, thats the norm these days. Justin had baseball, Evan had soccer, we had a visit from all our Vermont relatives, a BBQ to celebrate Dion's graduation and we got our garden in!

My dad brought over his latest toy...tool...and rotatilled my garden for me! Thanks dad!!! Its a huge space, probably 20x30 feet at least. We were able to plant TONS of vegetables in the space. The boys were enthralled with the rotatilling process. Here is the completed space. Plants are in. Now everything needs to GROW!!!

Here are some pictures of the cousins together this weekend, doing what boys do best, playing sports, running around and enjoying the outside!

Justin, Evan and Jayden playing street hockey, note Justin's hand made stick since we only had two. Quite ingenius.

Justin and Jayden playing basketball.

Caleb and Nathan playing at the water table.

The boys eating dinner (we moved in the picnic table so the boys (minus Nathan) could all eat together at a kids table).

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Nathan and Doggy 17 months old

Its hard to believe that Nathan is coming up on 1 1/2 years old. Wow. Time sure has been flying and he has come a long way from his doggy pictures when he was first born when doggy was bigger than him!

Nathan is getting quite smart these days - too smart for his own good at times. He figured out how to open a deadbolt lock that we had on our gate at the top of the stairs. Garren has since replaced it with a new locking mechanism that we hope he wont figure out too quickly! He also can take the lid/cap off any object he can get his hands on, to include pens and markers which quickly make a giant mess!

Nathan is all boy. His favorite toys still include balls and cars/trucks. He calls cars "go-gos" and loves seeing real cars as well as his Hot Wheels cars. He also has formed a love of digging, in the sandbox, the garden and the yard!

Nathan is a really good eater. His favorite foods include things that his older brothers never ate at this age: tomatoes, bell peppers, baked beans. He still has his food allergies so he doesnt eat much processed foods, it seems like everything contains milk and eggs! He learned the word "egg" incidently, over Easter. He thinks all eggs are brightly colored and plastic and contain cheerios or animal crackers :)

His new favorite word is "guy". He will point to a superhero and say "guy". He loves little Lego men (although he cannot have them since them immediately go in his mouth). He will point to the Lego men and repeat over and over "guy, guy, guy, go get it". Sometimes throwing a little fit, which isnt so cute.

He continues to be our best sleeper yet! He sleeps consistently through the night. He goes to bed at 7:15pm and wakes at about 7am. This would seem like nothing, except that our other two darling children were not even sleeping through the night at this age, so its HUGE for our family!!! He naps inconsistenly throughout the day, but, this I blame on his loud older brothers and our hectic pace of life more than on him. Given the chance, he is a great napper, he just doesnt have many chances. Poor third child that he is. :)